Kaanum Pongal — காணும் பொங்கல்

Kanum Pongal
Este último día del festival es para visitar a los amigos y la familia y para dar gracias por la cosecha.

Thai Pongal es una oportunidad para la gente de estar juntos, reconciliarse y  estrecharse unos a otros con amor, paz y compasión.

Maatu Pongal — மாட்டு பொங்கல்


Mattu Pongal
El tercer día se honra al ganado, las vacas, los toros y los bueyes que son la llave sagrada para la herencia agrícola tamil.

Thai Pongal — தை பொங்கல்


Festividad del THAI PONGAL (13/16 de enero). El espíritu de esta fiesta es dar gracias a los dioses por la buena cosecha obtenida.

Bhogi Pongal
Es el primer dia, se honra al dios INDRA, señor de las nubes y la lluvia. Se limpia la casa a fondo, se decora la entrada de la casa y se quema todo lo viejo, marcando asi el comienzo de una nueva vida, mas prospera y pura.

Surya Pongal
Es el segundo dia, se honra al dios sol, SURYA, es el principal día de la festividad. En una vasija de barro, al aire libre, se hierve la leche con el arroz y el azucar que se derramara en señal de abundancia.


Visiting Aisha, Anisha and Ansira

Last Friday, we visited our friends Aisha, Anisha and Ansira.

And soon we were joined by some neighbourgs...

Encuentro en la Salita

Inspirados en el Encuentro de Mensajeros de Punta de Vacas,
el 5 de enero, invitamos a nuestros amigos de Trichy a encontrarnos en la Salita.

Inspired by the Messengers' meeting in Punta de Vacas, on January the 5th, we invited our friends in Trichy to meet us in the little hall. 

Compartimos almuerzo
We shared lunch

New year's ceremonies

It's been some years, Praveen's grand father passed away on January first. And since then the family will honor him on that date. Praveen took the opportunity to invit us to share the ceremonial event and lunch with his close ones.

Unfortunately, when we arrived, we discovered that the night had been disturbed by a road accident of the parents. His father was in the hospital, with one broken leg below the knee and his mother was at home with more superficial injuries.

Fortunately, both of them will recover in a few weeks time.

That was the day when we met with Santosh, friend of Vignesh, for the first time.

We all managed to keep a good atmosphere.

In the afternoon, we all went to visit Praveen's father.
He was quiet and with a good mood, accompanied by family and friends.
 From there we reached Vignesh's place where we had tea with his mother and sister. Considering the situation, we proposed to concentrate in a ceremony of well-being. This was conducted by Praveen.

As the day was ending, we were having a feeling of being closer to each other at the time of leaving.