Visit by our friends Aisha, Anisha and Ansira

Today we had invited our 3 friends for lunch. 
2/02/2014                                 As usual, we had very good time together...

And the sun left as they did. ;)


Hoy domingo han venido por primera vez a nuestra casa "salita", Aisha y sus dos hijas, Ansira y Anisha. Las hemos invitado a comer y pasar la tarde juntos. Siento el registro de una profunda distensión en mi interior y la alegría de encontrarme con el otro en ese espacio interno mientras las tengo enfrente mio. Como si el registro de la fuerza se ampliara y nos abarcara en una misma cosa... aunque el otro no sea consciente... Sientes que el otro también se alegra y busca... queriendo saber más... aunque la mayor parte del tiempo se deposite en el mundo de las cosas yertas... y quiere saber de tu dios, de tus guías y sentirse que está con gente que puede confiar... CONFIAR

Today Aisha and her two daughters have come to our house-little-hall for the first time. We invited them to eat and spend the afternoon with us. I felt the register of a deep distension inside and the happiness of meeting with the other one in this inner space while I have them in front of me. As if the register of the force would amplify and take us in the same thing... even if the other one is not conscious of it... You feel that the other also gets happy and in search... willing to know more... even if most of the time he goes in the empty things... and is asking for your god, for your guide, and to feel being with people he can trust... TRUST
Ana S.

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