Silo's Message at Madras University

Today we met with the head of philosophy  and religion departments at Madras University, Dr. S. Panneerselvam. We offered him to give a presentation on Silo's Message to him or his students. And he said he will be interested that we do it in April when the current schedule rush is over. The contact was very nice. He also offered us to attend some Indian philosophical system seminar to be held later in march.

Visita a ARUWE

Queridos Amig@s
Os bons sentimentos e desejo de muitos amigos e o que experimentamos na cerimônia em Caucaia me acompanham sempre no meu coração e na minha mente.

A chegada a Chennai foi um impacto para mim e para todos da equipe da missão. No segundo dia sai caminhar pelo bairro de Kilpauk, tudo era muito diferente!!
Num momento parece que tudo parou e vi as belas mulheres caminhando com os seus formosos vestidos, pareciam Deusas ... compreendi a mistura de cimento e terra nas ruas, o jeito do transito com apariencia totalmente confusa e seu tempo milenar!!

Aqui algumas fotos de coisas que temos feitos, visita a uma instituição.

velhinhas sem lar

First night in Chennai

Hi Friends, so I arrived today to Chennai to meet with Bea and Maya. I'm very happy with the prespective.

In recent days, while preparing for my trip, I had this little poem coming to me, as a rise of energy, an inspiration of the moment:

We were dusts of Stars,
We became Earth.

We were Earth,
We became Water.

We were Water,
We became Air.

We were Air,
We became Fire.

Become Fire,
We are becoming Light.

Becoming Light,
We are becoming Creation.

The Message. Comments by Silo

Silo's Message consist of three parts:

The Book has been known for a long time as The Inner Look. 
The Experience is stated as eight ceremonies (Service, Laying on of Hands,
Well Being, Marriage, Protection, Assistance, Death and Recognition)
The Path is a a group of reflections and suggestions.

Silo's Message arrives to the south of India

Guided Meditation around Silo's Message

Welcome friends to this new blog inspirated by Silo's Message.
We are happy to announce that during this month of February we'll arrive to the south of India, in the state of Tamil Nadu.
Soon we will publish about the development of the message in this culture, we'll make new friends and we'll share all the experiences.
For all, peace, force and joy.

Messengers to South India